What is Diabetes?
Diabetes is a chronic disease that has no cure. Diabetes is a disease in which the body does not produce or properly use insulin, a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches, and other food into energy needed for daily life. The cause of diabetes is a mystery, although both genetics and environment appear to play roles. There are two major types of diabetes:Insulin-Dependent (type 1).
An autoimmune disease in which the body does not produce any insulin, most often occurring in children and young adults. People with type 1 diabetes must take daily insulin injections to stay alive.
Non-Insulin-Dependent (type 2).
A metabolic disorder resulting from the body's inability to make enough or properly use insulin, it is the most common form of the disease.
So penyakit aku ni dlm kategori Insulin dependent atau lbih snang dikatakan type 1..org yg ada pnyakit ni akan brgantung spenuhnya dgan insulin dr luar..mknanya pankreas dlm bdn dh tk hsilkn insulin..sbb tu kna ambik dr luar..jd cara ambik insulin tu bkn dgn mkn ubat tp dgan suntikan..kalu yg type 2 tk prlu sntik insulin sbb pnkreas msih hsilkn insulin tp tdak kuat..jd dgan bntuan ubat dh ckup..jnis aku ni tkda insulin lngsung..so dgan mggunakan alat yg dinamakan HumaPen aku kna sntik lh insulin dlm bdan mngikut dos2 yg ditetapkan oleh dktor..dktor ckp aku kna sntik 2 kali shari..pg n ptg..tmpt sntik plak dkt lgan,prut,peha..plih lh mana stu..tp kt prut rase skit tu krang..
HumaPen..alat yg digunakan untuk sntik insulin.. |
salam saudara ejam...
BalasPadamsudah berapa tahun saudara kena diabetes ni? saya pun antara yang kena diabetes masa muda.
Wsalam..dh lama..petanda2 awal tu dpt tau msa tahun 2010..tp tktau plak kencing manis..2011 bila g cek kt hospital dktor kata ada kncing manis..masa tu umur 22..
BalasPadamWsalam..dh lama..petanda2 awal tu dpt tau msa tahun 2010..tp tktau plak kencing manis..2011 bila g cek kt hospital dktor kata ada kncing manis..masa tu umur 22..